Why Being In Financial Difficulty Is Not Enough Reason For You To Be Entitled To Divorce Hearing Costs
If your relationship with your partner or spouse should, unfortunately, come to an end, one of the experts you will want to seek out for help and advice is a family lawyer. Their expertise will be vital in helping to ensure that any divorce agreement is fair for you and your children if you have any, and also that the property settlement is fair and equitable with respect to your future finances.
It may seem that this is the only aspect of your finances that your financial lawyer can help you with and that all other matters such as your taxes and investments are what you would need to speak to your tax advisor, investment broker and accountant about. However, there is another financial element of your divorce where your family lawyer can be of huge assistance to you, and this is in asking the court to award you costs.
These costs would relate to the fees relating to any court hearing or rulings concerning your divorce, and also the costs that you incur due to the work that your family lawyers and their office have done for you. This would include meetings, drawing up legal documents, research and time spent appearing in court on your behalf. As you can imagine this can add up to a sizeable amount and one which can place a huge burden on you financially.